As experienced landlords in Ashford will know, being a landlord brings many rewards and responsibilities, but also risks too.
Here at Lockwood Lettings and Management we have additional landlord services to help ensure that our landlord’s properties are protected.
You will never find any hidden fees when you choose our property management services in Ashford, we are up front and honest so you know what to expect and that the price we quote is the price you pay!
Do you have a question for us? Call 01784 420 222 now or click here to ask us a question onlineWe know that every property and landlord in Ashford are different and this is why we offer a selection of different fees and services to suit the unique needs of each landlord.
From a tenant search where we can find a tenant for your property, right through to our guaranteed rent service or fully managed service that means as a landlord you hardly need to be involved and you’ll have the peace of mind that your property is in safe hands;
Do you have a question for us? Call 01784 420 222 now or click here to ask us a question onlineOur guaranteed rent service in Ashford means that our landlords have the guarantee of a fixed income on their property whether a tenant is in the property or not and whether the tenant has paid their rent on time or not. We have found that busy landlords in Ashford find this the perfect ‘let and forget’ solution for their properties and investments.
Do you have a question for us? Call 01784 420 222 now or click here to ask us a question onlineIf you are a landlord with limited time to manage your property or perhaps you do not live nearby then our fully managed landlord service could be exactly what you are looking for. Our specialist property managers and letting agents will look after every aspect of your tenancy for you to give you the peace of mind that your property is in safe hands.
5% plus vat of the monthly contracted or agreed rent
0% surcharges on maintenance work
Please note that this is a ‘stand-alone’ service and may be terminated at any time by either party serving two months’ notice of their intention to terminate our service
Please note that this service does not include the cost of finding a tenant
As a landlord with a property and the time, patience and energy to deal with tenants and their requests then our rent collection landlord service may be of interest to you. This means we deal with all the financial and administrative duties for you so you don’t need to worry about what can often be the trickier part of being a landlord.
3% plus vat of the monthly rent
Please note that this is a ‘stand-alone’ service and may be terminated at any time by either party serving two months’ notice of their intention to terminate our service
Please note that this service does not include the cost of finding a tenant
If you are a hands-on landlord and feel comfortable running the tenancy, looking after the property and dealing with the tenants but are just struggling with finding the right tenant for the property then our tenant find service could be exactly what you are looking for. We will advertise your property for you, take potential tenants on property viewings and source the tenant references from previous landlords and employers too.
10% VAT of 1st years rent
When renewing or continuing
8% plus VAT of 2nd years rent
And for each successive years rent or continuation
6% plus VAT of the annual rent
Should you require an inventory or a schedule of condition to be carried out at the start and end of each tenancy we will arrange this on your behalf. The fees for this range from £110 plus VAT to £250.0 plus VAT depending on the size of each property
Do you have a question for us? Call 01784 420 222 now or click here to ask us a question online