If you are a first time landlord it can be tricky to understand the renting process; here at Lockwood Lettings and Management we will take the time to help you understand the full process and what you need to have in place along with what you can expect from renting out a property in Ashford.

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Find the Property

If you would like to be a landlord but do not yet have a property to rent then now is a great time to start looking, but if you’re not sure what you are looking for this can be a tough ask.

You can call the experienced team here at Lockwood Lettings and Management who know what type of rented accommodation in Ashford is needed to help you gain the best investment from your property.

Find the Support

The lettings market in Ashford is extremely quickly moving, our lettings agents will have more time and expertise to handle your property so why not call us to help deliver the right service for your needs; ensuring that renting out your property is a stress-free experience.

Find the Right Rent

You may be unsure of the right rent to charge for your property, but again this is something our letting agents in Ashford can help with; we will advise you on the average rent for your property at the current time. It is important to note that different letting agencies charge different landlord fees and while we do not claim to be the cheapest we can assure you that we offer the best value for money.

Make the Property Safe

As a first time landlord the amount of property regulations and requirements to keep your tenant safe can be unnerving and off-putting. We will help you become a responsible landlord by ensuring you are fully compliant at the very beginning.

Find the Right Tenant

As we have said before, the rented accommodation market in Ashford moves very quickly but sometimes this is because letting agents want to get a property filled quickly with no real concern of the tenant. Here at Lockwood Lettings and Management we do things differently; we take the time to find the right candidate for the right home and ensure their previous landlord and employer references are carefully checked because we care about the landlord and the property.

Find Insurance

For additional security and peace of mind we recommend that you are fully insured for your rented property. You will find that regular domestic policies will often not cover rental properties and it is also possible to insure your property against the non-payment of rent.

Speak to our team to ensure you get the right insurance to protect you as a landlord and your property.

Create your Inventory

Before the tenant moves into your property ensure that you or your lettings agent completes a thorough inventory listing the contents within the property and the overall condition of the property.

We can arrange for this to be completed for you by one of our experienced letting agents that pay genuine attention to detail.

Take the Rent Deposit
& Rent Payments

Legally a landlord must put the deposit from the tenant into a government protected scheme, here at Lockwood Lettings and Management we can do that for you, or we can recommend a suitable scheme that will benefit you as the landlord and the tenant.

You will also need to decide if you want the rent paid into your account from the tenant or through a letting agency like the team here at Lockwood Lettings and Management.

Renew the Lettings Contract

The first few months of renting your property will often fly by and the initial renting contract will quickly come to an end; at this time you need to decide if you would like to renew or terminate the contract with the tenant.

If the contract is being terminated you will need to give the tenant the appropriate notice – again this is something that the team here at Lockwood Lettings and Management can help you with.

Complete Property Inspections

It is your property and it is only normal that you want to ensure that your property is being looked after; if you live in the local area you can complete these quarterly checks on your property or our lettings agents can do the checks for you and inform you of any changes, queries or issues.

Maintain the Property

As with everything within our own homes, over time the property and contents within your property will receive some wear and tear; as a landlord you need to ensure that the property is maintained at the standard in which it was first let.

We would advice that you keep on top of small problems as this will help save larger amounts of money and reduce the risk of bigger problems in the future.

Tenancy Extending

At the end of the tenancy agreement and as the tenant moves out you will need to revisit the property for the final inventory, to settle any disputes and return the deposit before considering what you will do with the property going forward.

We can help you with the end of tenancy arrangements and if you choose to rent the property again we can help with that too.

If you need any help or advice in renting out your property then contact us.

Legal Requirements

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